Wednesday Oct 18, 2017
Episode 136: Jas Randhawa and Iordan Krouchev -All Things Performance Therapy
Wednesday Oct 18, 2017
Wednesday Oct 18, 2017
On this episode I had the pleasure of having two of my brother's from other mothers on the podcast! Jas Randhawa and Iordan Krouchev.
Jas is the head of Performace Therapy and Sports Medicine at Altis in Phoenix Arizona. This is Jas' second appearance on the ATSW podcast. We previously had a great conversion back on Episode 122.Iordan is a physiotherapist, and strength and conditioning coach based out of Action Sport Physio and at Core Excellence, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.On this episode the three of us discussed the following topics:
What research and area's of study the three of us were doing at the time that the podcast was recorded
We spoke about utilizing periodization strategies when applying different therapeutic inputs with athletes
We also spoke about the need to individualize and correctly dose performance therapy with athletes on a moment to moment basis. Just like we do when it comes to other aspects of the athletes preparation.
We touched on assessments and monitoring
Any big changes at Altis since Iordan and I interned there
This was a great episode guys and I hope you really enjoy it.
Stay Strong,RBShow Notes:
Altis University - Foundation CourseAltis 360
Show Sponsor:To get INSTANT ACCESS to almost 20 hours of World Class online video Strength and Conditioning Information go to upmentorship.com
Saturday Oct 14, 2017
Saturday Oct 14, 2017
This episodes guest I am delighted to have Yosef Johnson back on the podcast.Yosef was previously on the podcast back on episode 86.
On this episode Yosef and I discuss
Whats new with Yosef and UAC
Yosef's thoughts on how important maximal strength training really is for non-strength sport athletes
Yosef's discusses his thoughts on special strength training
Yosef speaks about why introducing an intense stimulus too soon in an athletes development is not optimal
Yosef speaks about training efficiency and the minimum effective dose
Yosef speaks about how to balance the paradox of training specificity vs variation
This was a great episode guys and I hope you really enjoy.Stay Strong,
RBShow Sponsor:To get INSTANT ACCESS to almost 20 hours of World Class online video Strength and Conditioning Information go to upmentorship.com
Tuesday Oct 10, 2017
Episode 134: Gary Schofield of Greater Atlanta Christian School
Tuesday Oct 10, 2017
Tuesday Oct 10, 2017
This episodes guest is Coach Gary Schofield.Gary is the Head Strength and Conditioning Coach at Greater Atlanta Christian School. He is also afounding member of The National High School Strength Coaches Association (NHSSCA) which was created to allow coaches to grow as true professionals. It's mission is to educate, equip and empower coaches to make a positive impact in the lives of all student-athletes. On this episode Gary and I discussed
Gary's background
Gary's influences
The good and not so good things that Gary see's within the physical preparation profession
Gary and I have great conversation about coaching pedagory
Gary and speak about the importance of developing yourself as a partner, father and friend as well as developing yourself as a coach
Gary gives a detail insight in his training system and philosophy
Gary discusses his assessments that his uses within his system
If Gary could invite 5 people to dinner dead or alive who would he invite and why?
This was an oustanding episode with Gary and I hope you guys enjoy it.Stay Strong,
Show Notes:
Editors Note: During the Podcast (39:50) I mis-spoke when I named James Smith as the mentor I was referring too. I actually meant to say James Fitzgerald of OPEX, not Jame Smith of OPEX obviously. Both James Smith (The Thinker) and James Fitzgerald are wondering friends and mentors of mine, but I did mean to say James Fitzgerald's name. Some other podcasts Gary has been on:Mike Robertsons Physical Preparation PodcastEpisode 27 - Impact Show with Jim KielbasoGarys PLAE Interview with Ron McKeefery
Show Sponsor:
To get INSTANT ACCESS to almost 20 hours of World Class online video Strength and Conditioning Information go to upmentorship.com
Saturday Oct 07, 2017
Episode 133: Don Chu - All Things Plyometrics
Saturday Oct 07, 2017
Saturday Oct 07, 2017
This episodes guest is legendary Strength and Conditioning coach and Physical Therapist Don Chu.Dr. Chu has developed an extensive reputation in the field of sports rehabilitation and in the areas of fitness and conditioning. He has been credited with bringing "Plyometric Training" to the attention of the athletic world through his application of theoretical knowledge into practical demonstrations. Dr. Chu has published six books, (including "Jumping into Plyometrics", now in its 2nd edition), written articles in referred journals and contributed chapters in many other books. His lectures on Plyometrics and other topics in Sports Medicine have been heard throughout virtually every state and many foreign countries over the past decade.
On this Episode Don and I discussed:
Don's Background and Influence
LTAD and Plyometrics
Don's Training Philosophy
Don's thoughts on Jump Profiliing and using it as a diagnostic tool for program prescription
Don's thoughts on the need for Strength Development as a precursor to utilizing true plyometric training
How Don implements his plyometric programming over the course of a microcycle
Don's take about using both depth jumps and drop jumps within an athletes program
Don's thoughts on Eccentric and Isometric Training methods
Don's use of monitoring and readiness strategies
Don's biggest lessons that he has learn in his career
Don's Top advice for all the listeners
This was another top class episode guys, so I hope you enjoy it!
Stay Strong,RBShow Notes:- Don's resourcesSpecial Strength Training Manual for Coaches
Derek HansenAl VermeilRob Panariello
Gregory MyerShow Sponsor:To get INSTANT ACCESS to almost 20 hours of World Class online video Strength and Conditioning Information go to upmentorship.com
Wednesday Oct 04, 2017
Episode 132: Mike Young of Athletic Lab
Wednesday Oct 04, 2017
Wednesday Oct 04, 2017
This episodes guest is Dr. Mike Young of Athletic Lab.Mike is the founder & owner of Athletic Lab. Mike is the guiding force behind Athletic Lab’s training philosophy & methodology. He oversees all training, instructor quality & staff education.
Mike has a BS in Exercise Physiology from Ohio University, an MSS in Coaching Science from Ohio University & a PhD in Biomechanics from LSU. Additionally, he has been recognized as a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) from the National Strength & Conditioning Association, a Level 3 coach by USA Track & Field, a Level 2 coach by USA Weightlifting & a CrossFit Level 1 coach. He is on the advisory board for the Korean Weightlifting Federation and has been featured in publications ranging from the New York Times to ESPN Insider.
Mike has coached athletes to National and / or World Championship appearances in 5 sports (bobsled, skeleton, track & field, triathlon, weightlifting) as well as directing the training plans for professional athletes in the MLS, MLB, NFL NHL and PGA and has coached at 4 Division 1 NCAA programs.
On this episode Mike and I discuss
Mike's background
Mike's influences
The good and not so good things that Mike see's within the profession
Mike's walks us through his training system for a brand new athlete at the Athletic Lab
Mike gives an in depth discussion on his training philosophy
Mike's gives his thoughts on training residuals and fatigue
Mike's thoughts on acceleration, max velocity, and change of direction development for field based athletes
Mike talks about his use of olympic lift variations with his athletes
Mike gives his top advice and resources
And Much More
This was an awesome episode with Mike and I hope you enjoy it.
Stay Strong,
RBShow Notes:
Proformance WebsiteShow Sponsor:To get INSTANT ACCESS to almost 20 hours of World Class online video Strength and Conditioning Information go to upmentorship.com
Monday Oct 02, 2017
Monday Oct 02, 2017
This episodes guest is Max Aita of Juggernaut Training Systems
Coach Max Aita has spent the better part of 20 years in the sport of Weightlifting and Powerlifting. He draws his training methodology and knowledge from the many great coaches whom he has personally worked with including; Steve Gough (USA), Ivan Abadjiev (BUL), Boris Sheiko (RUS).
Max has produced over half a dozen senior national medalists in Weightlifting, Multiple All time World Record holders in Powerlifting, and has worked with CrossFit Regional and Games level competitors to develop strength and Olympic lifting technique.
Max has also used his extensive knowledge of training and experience to create “hybrid” programs for athletes that wish to compete in both Weightlifting and Powerlifting or Weightlifting and CrossFit simultaneously.
On this episode Max and I discussed:
Max's Background
Max's Influence
The good and not not good things that Max see's within the physical preparation profession
Max gives a detailed discription of the Bulgarian weightlifting system and also talk's about his timed being trained under the legendary Ivan Ibadjev
Max talks about his program design for olympic lifting and how he individualizes his programs for his lifters
Max get's into an indepth discussion on training volume and intensity over the course of a lifters career
Max's talks about his technical models for teaching the lifts
Max talks about his first book which he has just released - Weightlifting Technique Triad
Max's top resources
Max's thoughts on RPE for weightlifting
Max's thoughts on American Weightlifting
Max and I discuss drugs in Sport
Max discusses the use of Olympic lift variations with athletes
Max's hobbies outside of coaching and lifting
If Max could invite 5 people to dinner dead or alive who would he invite and why?
And much more
This was an awesome episode with Max and I hope you enjoy it.
Stay Strong,
RBShow Sponsor:To get INSTANT ACCESS to almost 20 hours of World Class online video Strength and Conditioning Information go to upmentorship.com
Thursday Sep 28, 2017
Episode 130: James Smith - Critical Thinking
Thursday Sep 28, 2017
Thursday Sep 28, 2017
He's back! James Smith from Global Sport Concepts rejoins me for his monthly interview on the ATSW podcast.On this episode James discusses the topic of critical thinking.This was another amazing episode with James. As always you will be left with a lot to think and mediate about after listening to this episode.Enjoy my friends,
Stay Strong,
Show Notes:You can connect with James for consulting services here.James' outstanding books can be found here also.
Show Sponsor:To get INSTANT ACCESS to almost 20 hours of World Class online video Strength and Conditioning Information go to upmentorship.com
Monday Sep 11, 2017
Monday Sep 11, 2017
This episodes guest is Dr. Perry Nickelston from Stop Chasing Pain.
Perry Nickelston, DC, NKT, FMS, SFMA, is a Chiropractic Physician with primary focus on Performance Enhancement, Corrective Exercise, and Metabolic Fitness Nutrition and trained fromThe American College of Addictionology and Compulsive Disorders. He is an expert in myofascial, orthopedic, medical and trigger point soft tissue therapy. A member of the Board of Directors and Medical Staff Advisor for AIMLA (American Institute of Medical Laser Application). Dr. Perry teaches healthcare professionals all over the world how to successfully use Class IV Deep Tissue Laser Therapy in alleviating pain. Director of clinical protocols and training for LiteCure Medical Lasers specializing in Myofascial Laser treatments.
Dr. Perry is an expert in movement assessment and diagnosis. Certified and trained as a Functional Movement Specialist (FMS) and Selective Functional Movement Assessment Specialist (SFMA). He uses programs designed to find your source of painful dysfunction and correct it the site of pain improves. A regular columnist for Dynamic Chiropractic, Practice Insights, Chiropractic Economics, To Your Health Magazine, Advance Physical Therapy, PT on the Net, LiveStrong, StrengthCoach, and other industry publications for health and fitness.
After suffering a severe back injury and recovering with laser therapy, he decided to dedicate himself to offering this amazing treatment modality to others. Creator of the Core 4 RRTT Recovery and Regeneration Program for maximum pain relief. A self treatment program whose sole purpose is to empower you to take back control of your life from chronic pain.
He is a 1997 graduate from Palmer Chiropractic University and a master fitness trainer with over 25 years experience in the health industry. Suffering from obesity as a teenager and overcoming all of the emotional strife that accompanies being overweight, Dr. Perry dedicated himself to teaching others how to get in shape and lead a healthy lifestyle. He is currently publishing several books on health, fitness, laser therapy, business success, and self treatment programs from his website.On this episode Perry and I discussed:
Perry’s background and influences
Perry’s training and rehabilitation philosophies
Perry's own health journey
Amino Biofrequency Therapy
Perry talks about the importance of treating chronic systemic inflammation within the body first and foremost
Perry talks about the importance of the lymphatic system, the gut, emotion, and past experiences in treating patients
Perry's assessment protocols
This was an awesome episode with Perry and I hope you enjoy it.
Stay Strong,
Show Notes:
For those of you in Ireland, the UK, and Euorpe - be sure to check out Perry's up coming Primal Movement Chains seminar in Dublin on September 30th and October 1st.For those of you in the southern hemisphere - be sure to check out Perry's up coming Primal Movement Chains seminar in New Zealand on Novemeber 11-12th.
Show Sponsor:To get INSTANT ACCESS to almost 20 hours of World Class online video Strength and Conditioning Information go to upmentorship.com